What is Anoxia / Hypoxia?
Specifically, anoxia is a condition in
which there is an absence of oxygen supply to an organ's tissues although
there is adequate blood flow to the tissue. Hypoxia is a condition in
which there is a decrease of oxygen to the tissue in spite of adequate
blood flow to the tissue. Anoxia and hypoxia, however, are often used
interchangeably--without regard to their specific meanings--to describe a
condition that occurs in an organ when there is a diminished supply of
oxygen to the organ's tissues. Anoxia and hypoxia may be caused by a
number of events, such as heart attack, severe asthma, smoke or carbon
monoxide inhalation, high altitude exposure, strangulation, anesthetic
accidents, or poisoning. In severe cases of anoxia and hypoxia, from any
cause, the patient is often stuperous or comatose (in a state of
unconsciousness) for periods ranging from hours to days, weeks, or months.
Seizures, myoclonic jerks (muscle spasms or twitches), and neck stiffness
may occur. Treatment of anoxia and hypoxia consists of establishing an adequate airway as soon as possible, using enough oxygen to saturate the blood, supporting the cardiovascular system as needed, and preventing or treating pneumonia. Respiratory assistance may be necessary. What is the prognosis? If the patient's respiratory and cardiovascular systems can be supported properly, recovery may occur, but depends upon the severity of injury. As recovery proceeds, a variety of psychological and neurological abnormalities may appear, persist for a time, and may improve. Mental confusion, personality regression, parietal lobe syndromes, amnesia, hallucinations, memory loss, and persistent myoclonus may also occur. What research is being done? The NINDS supports and conducts studies aimed at understanding neurological conditions that can damage the brain such as anoxia and hypoxia. The goals of these studies are to find ways to prevent and treat these conditions. |
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Disclaimer: This INFORMATION is intended as a guide only. This information is offered to you with the understanding that it not be interpreted as medical or professional advice. All medical information needs to be carefully reviewed with your health care provider.