Endometriosis is a common yet
poorly understood disease. It can strike women of any socioeconomic class,
age, or race. It is estimated that between 10 and 20 percent of American
women of childbearing age have endometriosis. While some women with
endometriosis may have severe pelvic pain, others who have the condition
have no symptoms. Nothing about endometriosis is simple, and there are no
absolute cures. The disease can affect a woman's whole existence-her
ability to work, her ability to reproduce, and her relationships with her
mate, her child, and every one around her. What Is Endometriosis? ![]() Endometrial tissue residing outside the uterus responds to the menstrual cycle in a way that is similar to the way endometrium usually responds in the uterus. At the end of every cycle, when hormones cause the uterus to shed its endometrial lining, endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus will break apart and bleed. However, unlike menstrual fluid from the uterus, which is discharged from the body during menstruation, blood from the misplaced tissue has no place to go. Tissues surrounding the area of endometriosis may become inflamed or swollen. The inflammation may produce scar tissue around the area of endometriosis. These endometrial tissue sites may develop into what are called "lesions," "implants," "nodules," or "growths." Endometriosis is most often found in the
ovaries, on the fallopian tubes, and the ligaments supporting the uterus,
in the internal area between the vagina and rectum, on the outer surface
of the uterus, and on the lining of the pelvic cavity. Infrequently,
endometrial growths are found on the intestines or in the rectum, on the
bladder, vagina, cervix, and vulva (external genitals), or in abdominal
surgery scars. Very rarely, endometrial growths have been found outside
the abdomen, in the thigh, arm, or lung. Physicians may use stages
to describe the severity of endometriosis. Endometrial implants that are
small and not widespread are considered minimal or mild endometriosis.
Moderate endometriosis means that larger implants or more extensive scar
tissue is present. Severe endometriosis is used to describe large implants
and extensive scar tissue. The amount of pain is not always related to
the severity of the disease-some women with severe endometriosis have no
pain; while others with just a few small growths have incapacitating pain.
Endometrial cancer is very rarely associated with endometriosis, occurring
in less than 1 percent of women who have the disease. When it does occur,
it is usually found in more advanced patches of endometriosis in older
women and the long-term outlook in these unusual cases is reasonably good. Whatever the cause of endometriosis, its
progression is influenced by various stimulating factors such as hormones
or growth factors. In this regard, investigators are studying the role of
the immune system in activating cells that may secrete factors which, in
turn, stimulate endometriosis. The laparoscopy will show the locations, extent, and size of the growths and will help the patient and her doctor make better-informed decisions about treatment. Endometriosis is a long-standing disease that often develops slowly. What Is The Treatment? It is important to remember that Danazol
treatment is unsafe if there is any chance that a woman is pregnant. A
fetus accidentally exposed to this drug may develop abnormally. For this
same reason, although pregnancy is not likely while a woman is taking this
drug, careful use of a barrier birth control method such as a diaphragm or
condom is essential during this treatment. These hormones are currently being tested using different methods of administration. One such treatment involves a drug that is administered as a nasal spray twice daily for 6 months and works by suppressing production of estrogen, which controls the growth of the endometrial tissue. Other treatments being developed in this category include daily or monthly hormone injections. One concern is the loss of bone mineral which occurs with this type of hormone therapy. This may limit the duration and frequency of this type of treatment. While pregnancy rates for women with fertility problems resulting from endometriosis are fairly good with no therapy and with only a trial waiting period, there may be women who need more aggressive treatment. Those women who are older and who feel the need to become pregnant more quickly or those women who have severe physical changes due to the disease, may consider surgical treatment. Also, women who are not interested in pregnancy, but who have severe, debilitating pain, may also consider surgery. Conservative surgery attempts to remove the diseased tissue without risking damage to healthy surrounding tissue. This surgery is called laparotomy and is performed in a hospital under anesthesia. Pregnancy rates are highest during the first year after surgery, as recurrences of endometriosis are fairly common. The specifics of the surgery should be discussed with a doctor. Some patients may need more radical surgery to correct the damage caused by untreated endometriosis. Hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries may be the only treatment possible if the ovaries are badly damaged. In some cases, hysterectomy alone without the removal of the ovaries may be reasonable. New surgical treatments are being developed that further utilize the laparoscope instead of full abdominal surgery. During routine laparoscopy, the surgeon can cauterize small areas of endometriosis. Other evolving techniques include using a laser during laparoscopy to vaporize abnormal tissue. This involves a shorter recovery time. Laparoscopy treatment is possible, however, only if the surgeon can see pelvic structures clearly through the laparoscope. These newer techniques should be performed by surgeons specializing in such delicate procedures. Although these techniques are promising, more study is needed to determine if they yield results comparable to conventional surgical management. Natural Treatments: Supplement the diet with vitamin C, vitamin B-6, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, essential fatty acids such linoleic acid, and evening primrose oil. Avoid caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and acid-forming foods (red meat, dairy products, heated or treated oils, and excess carbohydrates, especially refined products). Try a short juice fast to clear out the body, and follow up with cultured foods such as miso or tempeh, unless you have a food allergy to soy products. After cleansing the body, plenty of fresh greens, fresh fruits in season, and a reasonable quantity of whole grains provide strength. Include changes to stabilize hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), such as eating smaller meals. As always, eating little or no animal fat decreases harmful excess estrogen. The following food items are especially good: Soybean (Glycine max) and Other Beans: Soybeans are high in estrogen-like plant compounds, genistein and daidzein. These prevent your body from taking up the more harmful forms of estrogen circulating in your blood. These phytoestrogens take the place of the bad estrogen, binding to the cell's estrogen receptor sites and prevent more harmful estrogens from binding to these receptors. They also protect the body from pollutants that chemically mimic estrogen. Bean sprouts supply more genistein (the more active of the two phytoestrogens) than soybeans. As beans germinate, their genistein content increases. If the sprouts have fungi, the genistein content may increase as much as hundred-fold! Pinto beans, yellow split beans, black turtle beans, lima beans, anasazi beans, red kidney beans, red lentils, black eyed peas, mung beans, adzuki beans and fava beans are other sources of these important phytoestrogens. If you have endometriosis, eat as much edible beans as possible as often as possible. Eat salds made of bean sprouts. Take bean soups, baked beans, and Mexican foods rich in beans such as burritos. Flax (linum Usitatissimum) Flaxseed contains generous amounts of compounds called lignans, that is believed to help control endometrial cancer. Flaxseed might be particularly helpful for anyone who is not a vegetarian, Vegetarians have high blood and urine levels of lignans. Consuming meat suppresses lignans substantially. Flaxseed helps to supplement this deficit. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Peanuts contain many of the healthful substances as soybeans and other beans. Many people prefer the taste of peanuts over soybeans. The papery red membrane surrounding spanish peanuts is a source for oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs), substances that may help control hormone dependent cancers and possibly endometriosis. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa): Alfalfa sprouts contain phytoestrogens. Use them liberally on salads. Eating them also reduces the risk of contracting cancer. (Do not consume alfalfa if you or your family has a history of lupus.) Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis): EPO contain gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and tryptophan, substances that promote good health in women. - 150 microgramsliquid potassium: taken in recommended doses - 3 times a day vitamin E: 8-1 0 milligrams alpha-TE (alpha tocopherol equivalent) - may use 200-600 IU (up to 1,200 IU maximum)magnesium - 400 milligrams - 800 milligrams - 800 RE (retinol equivalent); may use 5,000 IU (up to 50,000 IU for four months or less) - 10 RE; may use 400 IU (up to 1,000 IU maximum) - 300 milligrams (up to 1 0 grams)GLA - Gamma-Linolenic Acid - eight 500 milligram capsules per day for six to ten weeks, if women can afford this dose (most effective) |
Women |
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Diseases&Treatments |
Disclaimer: This INFORMATION is intended as a guide only. This information is offered to you with the understanding that it not be interpreted as medical or professional advice. All medical information needs to be carefully reviewed with your health care provider.